
YEAR : 2005
EXHIBITION : Fiction Hotel, Kulturhuset, Stockholm, Sweden
MEASURES : L = 426 cm x W = 400 cm x H = 240 cm
MATERIALS : Spray painted MDF, fittings, screws, light fittings, neon tubes, paint
DOWNLOAD : PSS_Hotelroom.pdf / size 956 K
DOWNLOAD : PSS_HotelRoom_functionality.pdf / size 756 K

Our conceptual approach to the making PSS_HotelRoom has been to minimalize the interior of the room into - at first hand - nothing. From that point on we have put up a unique set of rules for the relationship between the subject and the room.

When the subject opens the door to the room there is nothing in the room and no doors leading forward into any other rooms. It’s a completly empty room with totally uniform pixels on floor, walls and ceilings. If the subject examines the room more thoroughly he/she will find that their are grooves on the side of some of the pixels which enables the subject to open, move or extracted doors, windows, tables, benches, tv-set etc. from the walls of the room. Thus making the subject able to mould his/hers own room from the building modules. But also making it possible for the subject easily to clear the room to have a very physically and mentally clean room to work in or just be in.

The completely emptyness of the room forces the subject to act in order to use and be in the room, it activates the subject and creates a room-subject experience where the room keeps awarding the subject as he/she invests more and more in exploring the room.
Internal view towards the window section
Internal view towards the window section
Internal view towards the window section
Fixing shelve in the wall grid
Fixing shelve in the wall grid
Fixing shelve in the wall grid